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Showing posts from 2017

Merry Gothmas!

Thursday, December 14, 2017 Please join me for an evening of Dark, Alternative, Seasonal music. The Temple in Rosehaven (Second Life) from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, PST and SLT Listen with your browser at:

My Decembers in Second Life

December 10, 2017, Rosehaven December 10, 2017, The Conservatory in St. John Woods December 10, 2017, my vardo in Rosehaven December 2016, my vardo in St. John Woods December 2015, my house in St. John Woods December 2014, in Chu Chu's Linden Home

Skate Party!

Winter has arrived in Rosehaven! The ponds have iced over just in time for a Skate Party to celebrate December birthdays, rezdays, and the holidays in general. Today, beginning at 3:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time and SLT, I will present 2 hours of 1980s Pop/Rock music for your ice skating pleasure. These are the tunes that my typist, as an Intern for a "World Famous", radio personality, took requests for and heard on commercial radio rotation in the mid-1980s.  As part of that personality's entourage, I enjoyed some amazing holiday experiences that I will never forget.  These are also the tunes that my typist, as a newlywed, danced to with my husband and friends at office holiday parties in the late 1980s, (when I was no longer with a radio station). Listen with your browser at: Friday, December 8, 2017 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, PST, SLT Dress Warm, and lace those skates tightly!

Song Challenge

The 30 Day Song Challenge is circulating the social networks again, and I decided to use it as a template for my show this month.  Please join me as I present my answers to The Challenge! Thursday night, November 9 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (SLT and PST) The Temple in Rosehaven, in Second Life Attire: casual, comfortable Since I'll have only 90 minutes I've narrowed the selection from 30 songs to 19 songs. I will present: A song I like with a color in the title A song I like with a number in the title A song that reminds me of summertime A song that reminds me of someone I'd rather forget A song that needs to be played loud A song that makes me want to dance A song to drive to A song about drugs or alcohol A song that makes me happy A song that makes me sad A song I never get tired of A song from my preteen years A song I like from the 70s A song I'd love to be  that I played at my wedding A song I like that's a cover by another artist S

My Haunted October

This month has brought me the busiest schedule as a Presenter, and I'm playlisting for multiple events. First up: my regular evening at  The Temple in Rosehaven will be my Goth/Industrial themed, "Mix-tape for a Restless Spirit", dedicated to a dear, departed, friend. Thursday, October 12 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm Pacific (SLT) Sunday, October 15, (also in Rosehaven), from 12:00pm - 2:00pm Pacific (SLT),  I am honored to participate in the Handfasting of my friends, Eden and Podruly.  The music will be a combination of Neo-Pagan, Celtic Traditional and Celtic Fusion, with some whimsical selections tossed in for the celebration. Monday, October 30, I've been asked to present a "spooky", two-part set for another Rosehaven party from 1:00pm - 2:00pm and again from 7:00pm - 8:00pm Pacific (SLT). Tuesday, October 31, I will join Gabrielle Riel as co-host for the annual RadioRiel event in NeoVictoria , (as we did last year).  Listeners will hear us on t

The Temple - Anniversary Retrospective

Please join me this Thursday, September 14, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Pacific Time and SLT at The Temple in Rosehaven. To celebrate my one year anniversary at The Temple I will present a retrospective of the sets I've played there over the past year, with at least one piece of music from each set, in chronological order: World Dance-Eastern, Gypsy, My Mom's Faves, Strings Attached, Latin, Celtic Fusion, 80s New Wave, Darkwave, Trip Hop, World Dance Mix, Summer of Love (60s), and Funk-R&B. Recommended attire: Festive and eclectic. The Temple, Rosehaven, Second Life

Pru turns 3 in Second Life

It's that time of year again, when I celebrate the anniversary of my avatar's "birth" in the virtual environment called Second Life. Last year I was surprised that I made it to my 2nd RezDay; my Second Life adventures had been challenging on a social level.  For my 2nd RezDay celebration I had decided to play music on my parcel and invite others to listen.  One of my listeners happened to be my "Land Lady" and SL Celebrity, Gabriel Riel, who from that day on encouraged me to get "back in the saddle" and return to presenting music on the radio. Now, you know I love music, and I love playing music for my friends, but I have no desire to be a celebrity in any world.  My initial response to the proposal was "no thank you".  But, in the past year, with Gabriel's tutelage and encouragement, and the support of many friends in and out of Second Life, I've become more comfortable with presenting music to a larger audience. On this 3r

Gettin' Funky with Pru

This Thursday night at The Temple I'll be playing a set of Soul, R&B, and Funk music, which I'm dedicating to some very special friends. There is a story behind the dedication, and it goes something like this: I had traveled from California to Ohio to visit family, and two friends from Second Life drove from their respective homes in nearby states to meet me there. The three of us decided to go out for "Girls' Night", and I thought that a "Wine Bar" sounded like a good place to drink and chat.  You see, in my part of California, a Wine Bar is typically a more quiet, sophisticated place where the music is lowered enough that one can have a conversation.  In that part of Ohio I learned, "Wine Bar", means that the venue doesn't have a hard-liqueur license. We walked into this place that was bustling with energy, a mobile DJ was playing very loud tunes and people were dancing and playing a giant game of  "Connect Four".  Hal

Summer of Love 50th Anniversary

I will present music from 1967 to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the "Summer of Love".  Please join me in Second Life at The Conservatory in St. John Woods, or tune in with your web browser on Friday, July 14, 2017 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (SLT) Pacific Daylight Time.

Coming Up In The World

This is a very exciting month for me, as I have officially become the newest member of the team at Radio Riel Internet Public Radio. Radio Riel is celebrating its 10th Anniversary, and there are many special events being scheduled throughout the month of June. As of this posting I don't have a date or time for my Radio Riel presentation, which will be part of the festivities, so please check back for that notice.  In the meantime I can tell you what I've got planned for my next dance at The Temple. There are times when you want to be transported, to get your mind around some stuff it never encountered before. And what if the thing transporting you doesn't come from your neighborhood? -- David Byrne, Crossing Music's Borders: 'I Hate World Music', The New York Times, October 3, 1999 Thursday, June 8, 2017 I will present 90 minutes of World-influenced, electronic, dance music. I hesitate to use the term "World Music", or even "World

Trip-Hop @ The Conservatory

On Friday, May 12th at noon SLT, (PDT),  I will play a set of Down-tempo and Trip-Hop music; some from the late 80s, some 90s, and some new, but retro-sounding vibes. If you are online in Second Life, please join me as I broadcast live from  The Conservatory  in St. John Woods. To listen via your web browser, please tune-in on  La Boheme  .

Darkwave @ The Conservatory

Please allow me to Darken your day! On Friday, April 21st at noon SLT, (PDT),  I will play a set of Darkwave/Goth/Alternative music for those of you who always miss out on my evening shows. If you are online in Second Life, please join me as I broadcast live from  The Conservatory  in St. John Woods. To listen via your web browser, please tune-in on La Boheme  .
At last, I have created my own venue in St. John Woods, called "The Conservatory".  That may seem like an obvious and unimaginative name since the building is a large greenhouse, but there is a much deeper meaning behind it. Those who know me understand that I have very eclectic taste in art, literature, film, and specifically, music.  I am drawn to the unusual, the dark, and the quirky, in a way that manifests as melancholic . There is an energy within music that resonates with biological lifeforms, such as plants and animals.  I preserve my personal collection of music as a lifetime of energies that resonate within me, and the associated memories. Just as a conservatory is intended to preserve rare or important horticultural specimens, The Conservatory will be my venue for sharing my musical specimens with others.  (Of course, The Conservatory is also filled with some unusual Second Life horticultural specimens!) Open House is scheduled for Friday, March 24th

Spicing up the New Year

Damas y caballeros, please join me tonight for a selection of traditional, rock, and jazz-fusion Habaneras, Sons, Flamencos, Tangos, Salsa, and Cumbia.  The Temple in Rosehaven, (formerly Winterfell), in Second Life Thursday, January 12th at 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm, SLT and Pacific Time Recommended attire: Any Latin-themed historical, fantasy or contemporary clothing.