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Gettin' Funky with Pru

This Thursday night at The Temple I'll be playing a set of Soul, R&B, and Funk music, which I'm dedicating to some very special friends. There is a story behind the dedication, and it goes something like this:

I had traveled from California to Ohio to visit family, and two friends from Second Life drove from their respective homes in nearby states to meet me there.

The three of us decided to go out for "Girls' Night", and I thought that a "Wine Bar" sounded like a good place to drink and chat.  You see, in my part of California, a Wine Bar is typically a more quiet, sophisticated place where the music is lowered enough that one can have a conversation.  In that part of Ohio I learned, "Wine Bar", means that the venue doesn't have a hard-liqueur license.

We walked into this place that was bustling with energy, a mobile DJ was playing very loud tunes and people were dancing and playing a giant game of  "Connect Four".  Half of the bar had been reserved for a birthday party, so the three of us found a wobbly table near the back of the room and ordered from a large menu of Beer and Wine.  The vibe was good, but we couldn't hear each other talk very well.

At some point the DJ played "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen, and two of us just naturally sang along (Alto and Soprano!) When I realized the DJ was taking requests, I started thinking about what I might ask him to play.  I finally got the courage to ask him for "Cut the Cake" by Average White Band.  He played my tune, and the whole bar was diggin' it.  He transitioned into another AWB tune, and then the joint was hopping!

We closed down the bar, and as the DJ was packing up his rig he came over to our table and thanked me for suggesting the tune. He remarked that the beats per minute were the same as the tune he had played before it, and he said "Maybe you should be a DJ".  I replied, sheepishly, "Maybe I should..." and then the girls outed me!

This time spent with my friends, as brief as it was, is now linked to a musical memory and is indelibly marked in my mind.

Selena and Gabrielle, this one's for you.

When: Thursday, August 10, 2017
@ 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm (Pacific Time and Second Life Time)
Where: The Temple in Rosehaven, in Second Life
Recommended Attire: 70's Soul, Funk, Disco, or whatever makes you feel happy.  :)

Not in Second Life?  Listen via your web browser at LaBoheme


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