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At last, I have created my own venue in St. John Woods, called "The Conservatory".  That may seem like an obvious and unimaginative name since the building is a large greenhouse, but there is a much deeper meaning behind it.

Those who know me understand that I have very eclectic taste in art, literature, film, and specifically, music.  I am drawn to the unusual, the dark, and the quirky, in a way that manifests as melancholic.

There is an energy within music that resonates with biological lifeforms, such as plants and animals.  I preserve my personal collection of music as a lifetime of energies that resonate within me, and the associated memories.

Just as a conservatory is intended to preserve rare or important horticultural specimens, The Conservatory will be my venue for sharing my musical specimens with others.  (Of course, The Conservatory is also filled with some unusual Second Life horticultural specimens!)

Open House is scheduled for Friday, March 24th at 1:00 PM SLT (Pacific Daylight Time).


Recommended Attire: Fantasy, Goth, Victorian, Steampunk


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