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Showing posts from August, 2018

Sturgeon Moon Howl

I have no special theme for the Howl this month. Please join me for some classic "goth" tunes and good company. Friday, August 24 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm SLT (there is no Noon event this month) 80s and 90s post-punk/coldwave/darkwave The Lair, in Rosehaven (Second Life). Fantasy or Goth attire from any era is encouraged. When in doubt, wear Black! SLURL:

RezDay #4

Once again it is time to celebrate the day Prudence was "born" in Second Life.  I admit, I am not feeling very celebratory this year.  The past year of my First Life has been so challenging, to say the least, that throwing a virtual party in SL feels more like a chore than a celebration. I no longer "live" in a region where an annual hurricane coincided with my RezDay.  While that was never a problem for me, it did limit my options for parties.  This year I have my own venue, The Lair, in Rosehaven, as well as a nice parcel next door.  I've considered hosting a party at The Lair, but I am leaning more toward a summer aquatic theme and have begun decorating my home parcel for a "swim" party. On Sunday, August 19, beginning at noon SLT, my friends are welcome to drop by to play in the water with me.    Mer and other aquatic avatars are encouraged, but not required. Swimwear should be appropriate for a moderate region.   I may present the m