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Showing posts from March, 2018

April Frivolous!

April 2018 brings a schedule change for my presentations at The Temple in Rosehaven: you will now find me there on the first Thursday of each month. Since this month's calendar is so silly (who celebrates April Fools' day on Easter Sunday?), I'm going to present a set of fun, silly songs that should make you smile. It's a Pajama Party! Wear your PJs or just dress comfy- casual. Thursday, April 5, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Pacific Time and SLT at The Temple in Rosehaven (in Second Life)

Pink Moon Howl

The moon will be full on the 31st, but we're going to Howl on Friday, March 30, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and again 7:00 - 9:00 PM PDT and SLT, at The Lair, in Rosehaven (Second Life). Because this is the "Pink Moon", and in honor of Women's History Month, I will present two hours of dark, alternative pieces that are either composed by women or sung by female vocalists. Sim Rating: Moderate. No nudity, and no biting! Recommended attire: Goth or Fantasy, any era. The color "pink" is encouraged, but not required. SLURL: Your Hostess, Pru