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Showing posts from November, 2017

Song Challenge

The 30 Day Song Challenge is circulating the social networks again, and I decided to use it as a template for my show this month.  Please join me as I present my answers to The Challenge! Thursday night, November 9 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (SLT and PST) The Temple in Rosehaven, in Second Life Attire: casual, comfortable Since I'll have only 90 minutes I've narrowed the selection from 30 songs to 19 songs. I will present: A song I like with a color in the title A song I like with a number in the title A song that reminds me of summertime A song that reminds me of someone I'd rather forget A song that needs to be played loud A song that makes me want to dance A song to drive to A song about drugs or alcohol A song that makes me happy A song that makes me sad A song I never get tired of A song from my preteen years A song I like from the 70s A song I'd love to be  that I played at my wedding A song I like that's a cover by another artist S